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Ziv Koren



Ziv Koren, an award-winning docu-photographer, volunteered to document daily hospital routine and special moments taking place within the walls of Schneider Children’s: parents’ concern for their sick children, the dedication of medical and nursing teams, the closeness forged between patients and medical team.

Koren’s sensitive eye perfectly captured the great medical dramas and the small human moments: the anxious minutes and emotional burden, the hopes and fears of parents, the carefully woven fabric forged between families, doctors and nurses, the professional activities of staff at the peak of optimal precision and concentration, the fear, pain and hope, and the smile of a child for whom Schneider Children’s is willing to move mountains.

Five years later. Ziv Koren returned to Schneider Children’s and photograph those same children again in a similar location - and healthy. Five years have passed. In the mind of a young child, this is forever. For the parents and family, a gift more precious than anything in the world has been given to them day in and day out. For the staff at Schneider Children’s, this was another life chapter in joy and experience, with perhaps a few more added pain lines and smiles.

Not always does this struggle ended in victory – but pediatric medicine, in all its complexities, is the most optimistic of all medical specialities.


The “Heartbeat” exhibition took place during the World Health Assembly on the Palace of Nations, the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland. This exhibition also took place at the European Headquarters of the World Health Organization in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Ziv Koren

Ziv Koren, an award-winning docu-photographer, volunteered to document daily hospital routine and special moments taking place within the walls of Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel.

Visit Ziv Koren's website and follow his Facebook and Instagram.

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