Help Schneider Children's Hospital Response to Coronavirus/COVID-19

Global Pandemic

First identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019, the coronavirus was recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Current statistics, as of this writing, note that the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been confirmed in some 198 countries or territories. The virus has already infected almost half a million people worldwide, with the number of deaths nearly 42,000. In Israel, the number of those infected with the virus has topped 5,595 over 100 of whom are in serious condition, with deaths thus far.

Preparatory Measures

As the national referral center for complex conditions, it is anticipated that Schneider Children's will be the designated medical center for the treatment of coronavirus for all pediatric patients requiring ventilation in the country. Towards that end, rapid efforts and coordination were required to set up the first targeted coronavirus department for children in Israel and ensure that it is equipped with sufficient machinery. Pediatrics "A" was selected to undergo a thorough overhaul to disinfect and sanitize all areas and set up purified isolation units within the ward.

The multidisciplinary staff has already had special guidance and training in treating patients via electronic means as far as possible. All patients will require constant monitoring of vital signs specifically pulse rate, temperature and blood saturation levels, as well as interaction with the social worker who will assist in formulating a schedule of routine for each child in isolation.

Urgent Needs

The virus outbreak caught the world unprepared to deal with a fast-spreading global pandemic. Countries have scrambled to declare emergency measures in order to contain and slow incidence. Israel, although among the first countries in the world to take steps to quarantine and close travel, businesses and entertainment, is presently dealing with a tripling of cases every three days.

Because the virus attacks the respiratory system and can lead to acute distress, sepsis and death, the focus of urgency is on a sufficient supply of ventilators – are there enough? In addition, the further acquisition of life-saving equipment is crucial for the comprehensive care of every child in a severe and critical condition. Similarly, all staff members - from physicians to sanitation technicians - must be accorded full protective gear from head to foot, which necessarily must be changed or discarded after treating each patient. This indicates a heavier need for all items and devices, much more than during "normal times".


We thank you, in advance, for your generosity during this critical time of need.

AdminAn Urgent Need